David Anderson

Timberland Realty - Falconer

5530 Morgan Hollow Road Scio, NY 14880

Licensed in NY, PA

(585) 808-5696

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David Anderson

Dave Anderson has been in the timber business for over 20 years now as a procurement forester. Graduating from Alfred State College in 1991 with an associates degree in Environmental Science, he immediately began "beating the bush", looking for high quality timber for his employing sawmill. Many years of experience in the forests of Western NY have seasoned him into a veteran woodsman. Dave lives for the outdoors. Along with hunting and fishing, Dave enjoys golf, snowmobiling and ATV riding. He has been involved with real estate for many years. "Having bought and sold thousands of acres of land either for my employer or myself, and now selling properties for others, my customers and clients can be assured I have been on every side of a deal. I understand their needs and strive to not only meet them but to exceed them".

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Land for Sale by David Anderson

Price Reduced
Allegany County, NY
This charming, fully furnished 3 bedroom, one bath home is nestled along a quiet, paved country road and sits on 48.3 acres with 686 feet of road frontage. Boasting a large open concept kitchen, dining room and living room, it’s the perfect pla...
48.3± Acres
Price Reduced
Allegany County, NY
This beautiful and secluded 69.6-acre property is the perfect place to hunt, hike ride ATV’s/UTV’s, or build your off the grid cabin. Access is gained via deeded right of way on a well-maintained truck road. The property begins about .4 m...
69.6± Acres
Under Contract
Cattaraugus County, NY
This beautiful 75.8 acre property has it all! It boasts over 950 feet of road frontage, existing driveway, a nice parking area/ campsite and electric available at the road. Centrally located between Olean, Franklinville and Ellicottville, it could be...
75.8± Acres
Price Reduced
Bradford County, PA
This 17.09 surveyed acre property is completely wooded and would be the perfect place to get away from it all!  Following the existing driveway from Meas Rd (a 50’ wide deeded right of way), the property begins about 260’ from the ro...
17.09± Acres

Contact David Anderson